uncertainty relations

my biggest goal this semester is to know the physics I’m learning well, and one of the steps is to cement my understanding of important tools, procedures, and results. i’m also working on an 8.20 (sr) post but that’s second priority to 8.04/5 review for 8.06 this semester. general uncertainty principle schwarz inequality An important inequality you must know is the Schwarz inequality–$\langle a, a \rangle \langle b, b \rangle \geq |\langle a, b \rangle|^2$. Here we are using our complex inner product, which can yield complex values. In order to derive the inequality, first write $a = cb + a_\perp$, splitting $a$ into a part parallel to $b$ and a part perpendicular to $b$. In order for this to work, $c = \frac{\langle a, b\rangle}{\langle b,b\rangle}$. Think of it as taking the dot product of $a$ with the $\hat b$ direction. We can verify that $\langle a_\perp, b\rangle = \langle a - cb, b \rangle = \langle a,b \rangle - c \langle b,b \rangle = \langle a, b \rangle - \langle a, b \rangle = 0$ as desired. Then $$\begin{align*} \langle a,a\rangle \langle b,b \rangle &= \langle cb + a_\perp, cb + a_\perp \rangle \langle b,b \rangle \\ &= (|c|^2 \langle b,b \rangle + |a_\perp|^2)\langle b,b \rangle \\ &= |c|^2|b|^2 + |a_\perp|^2|b|^2 \\ &= |\langle a,b, \rangle|^2 + |a_\perp|^2|b|^2 \\ &\geq |\langle a,b, \rangle|^2 \end{align*}$$ as desired. ...

February 5, 2025 · 5 min · Shreya Mogulothu


I’m ASEing diffeq this IAP. The test is tomorrow, I’m finishing up the final sections of the homework packet. I don’t have too much time before 8.20 lecture today, so I’ll instead do a little review: how fast are you going? basically with diffeq we’re trying to solve equations that relate how fast you’re going (and acceleration, and higher orders) with the function itself. most of the diffeqs we are able to solve are of the form $$ \sum a_n(x) y^{(n)} = f(x) $$ which is linear in the variables $y^{(i)}$, so we call it a linear differential equation. ...

January 27, 2025 · 9 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Pitch Detection

so you want to pitch detect. I’m really happy you’re into the arts and trust tech enough to look for a software solution, but unless you want to just detect the pitch of a melody (one note at any moment) this is pretty hard to do in the general case. Background: my brother was complaining about the amount of time it took to write sheet music in notating software for his compositions, and my initial reaction was “that’s part of the deal”, the idea being that if you’re making a composition, you should at least spend the amount of time with it that you’d take to notate it, to give it the kind of care and thought that will make it sound deliberate. My brother usually just comes up with things on the fly after many repetitions of experimenting on the keyboard and will record them and use up all of our iCloud storage, which is very exciting but not great for our picture taking capacity. ...

December 5, 2023 · 5 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Structuring Thoughts

I just realized that Hugo changes post urls to post titles by itself. Good job Hugo. what thoughts have i had in the past? This is a pretty hard problem. Probably LLMs make it better/easier, but I want to do it a couple of times myself before I hand over this very important task to an AI, so I know how exactly I want it to be done. Or what it is that I want in the first place. ...

July 31, 2023 · 3 min · Shreya Mogulothu


see if you can catch the barbie outside text so uh in retrospect this was in fact supposed to be a formal writing, but in the end it became much more informal and exposed less well-formed thoughts. I think though that it’s been long enough since my last post that I should put something out there, so here it is. ramble Oppenheimer. So I always get stuck when it comes to the beginning of writing formally. I have lots of thoughts in my head but they never actually pertain to the topic at hand. Either they’re too meta or too focused on what’s actually around me. Like for instance I heard the beginnings of a dodie song I recognize but almost barely just before this. ...

July 24, 2023 · 8 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Outwards Facing Writing

here we are Again we observe about a year of break. But I’m pleasantly surprised to learn that is a shorter break than the last. Actually I lie, it is a longer break than the last. But… okay yeah no it’s almost double the last break. But we’re here again, because coffee-and-sleep has not migrated yet, and the whole point of what I’m trying to do now is that I own what I write, so it won’t be on the anonymized wordpress blog either. ...

July 20, 2023 · 2 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Update 7/7/22

hides behind wall I haven’t posted on here since last year. I believe I’m now sort of at a breather again. ? productive things I got into colleges, I’ve chosen a college, now I’m preparing for college. I graduated !!! I have my diploma and everything. Shocking Applied to summer programs and have been rejected; want to teach at PACT one last time. I should actually email Dr. Gandhi about that again. I got scholarships :) NCWIT national honorable mentino National Cyber Scholar, again. They won’t give me 3k more for the course Got As on all my Princeton courses (did get a B on LIT tho) Joined Gracie Barra BJJ after graduation maybe not-so-productive things Okay, earlier things first: I dunno if I documented the “csprinceton.org” story here, or the SUNY Morrisville one, but now I have I have a yearbook. My final school yearbook. I have the signatures separately We watched Interstellar in physics I went to SO many classes of other people like Mini and Amy Why? cause I needed to make up credit. Why? cause I WENT TO INDIA FOR 2 AND A HALF WEEKS Yeah, well, I did have to go to school on Saturdays, heh. There’s the dermatologist story. I met SO many people again. Have LOTS of pictures. But it’s all overshadowed because. Well we had to come home early. because Sreemayi was in a coma. She died the following Tuesday? late night or Wednesday early morning Because they took her off the ventilator. Like just two blog posts ago I was still talking about visiting her class. It’s not fair. She had lots ahead of her. We had lots ahead of us, together. ...

July 7, 2022 · 2 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Things to do when getting a new computer

Houskeeping list for myself. Download chrome, vscode, tinytex Make sure to not set chrome as default Change dock Change terminal appearance (i.e. paste the following in .zshrc) function parse_git_branch() { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/[\1]/p' } setopt PROMPT_SUBST export PROMPT='%F{228}%n%f %F{197}%~%f %F{39}$(parse_git_branch)%f %F{normal}$%f ' Store previous files in hard drive Install python3 Install home-brew Install jdk Configure vscode (extensions, code command) Pin tabs, etc Get relevant folders back from hard drive: downloads, latex, program files (personal site) Get that thing (oh, Hugo https://gohugo.io/getting-started/) Make ssh key and put it in GitHub

December 14, 2021 · 1 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Update 12/14

here we go again Let’s get to it. I’m doing this mostly because I really should, it’s been a couple of weeks. I’m not at a breather yet, although maybe a little. Productive things Got advice on classes to take in Princeton for spring semester Applied to UCs, and apparently USC Got PACT T-Shirt and SANS hoodie!! Got to think about things Managed to submit all of my last psets :)) Did my two algebra lectures for AIME prep Srushti came to CS Club for a guest lecture!!! Did an instant decision day interview at SUNY Morrisville for massage therapy (got in) Accepted into Ohio State !!! (dunno about scholarship) Did basketball tryouts! But only for a day, I ditched after that Updated a singular new post on Coffee and Sleep for newcomers Attended a theory seminar thing and talked for like two minutes Note to future mes: always check slide compilations ;-; SHP was quite fun this semester. Lots of cool math Like group theory and surfaces like the real projective plane !! Also learnt about fat cantor sets and other things on blogs Got around to listening to 3b1b’s podcast Honestly math is so cool Maybe not so productive things It was my birthday !! And we went to an escape room and it was all VERY FUN and I 100% recommend this for my future self, would do again We managed to eat at a2b before that, and ate hot breads on the day of Amy and Anni and Priya came Lots of balloons! Later I actually made one float in midair (more or less? it’s kind of hard to balance) by weighting it with a bag of murukus, carefully curated Anni gave me a clock LOL and Amy gave me a bobabear and Priya gave me a super soft blanket and chocolates and a really really nice leather(?) cover book with the world etched on it and it looks super sleek so I love to use it when I need scratch paper that’s not the iPad There was a puja too, on Reenu’s birthday, and it was also quite fun Went to SHP in the morning ^^; was fun and Reenu was there too and she just got snapchat so there are some hilarious videos from that Then there was food and it was so gooddd We finally got to play CLUE! Yay College decisions started to come out and they’re pretty scary but we’ll see, nothing I can do now ><

December 14, 2021 · 2 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Update 11/26

hi… Been a while. Let’s just write stuff down now, shall we? Productive things Actually won the philosophy award! Applied to NC Chapel Hill, MIT, Rutgers, Georgia Tech, UIUC, and Ohio State Lots of essays… and self-reported coursework… and recommendation requests… Applied for Ohio State Eminence scholarship Did a sh*t ton of problem sets Met up with Prof. Assadi again Committed to AIME Prep Randomly signed up for the USACO training thing that Amy showed me Finally ordered t-shirts! Got 4th place in PClassic !!! Tied in # of correct submissions with the 3rd place team, but had more penalties than them (see the table at the bottom) Tried to get the Halloween Math Meet going, but COVID restrictions made us decide to cancel Oh, there was this Start Strong Testing thing in the beginning of October I submitted, like, one problem to the Cyber Futures contest, and I don’t think it was accepted because it was probably past the deadline on the 15th Met with Ethan for exactly one Green Generation practice test AMC 12A and 12B Visited COS226 (Allen/Jason visited COS487 in turn) Ended MP1 Maybe not so productive things Went to a couple of houses for trick-or-treating Tried to visit Sreemayi’s class for her birthday, but COVID restrictions Went out to eat a fair amount of times; most recent was at the Vietnamese place with most of the scioly captains Was slightly awkward, but the food was good, I think Went out to walk at the trail afterwards Visited Krause a lot of times, and I TA for Z Watched all seven Harry Potter movies (again) Shourya seemed to enjoy them Sreemayi is reading the Sorcerer’s Stone! Pinni gave us HP bookmarks; I have a bunch of Voldemort bookmarks now I also read the entirety of the Half Blood Prince because Shourya got it from the library (without reading the first five books??) About reading; I reread the first two Divergent books, which was interesting Yesterday we also watched Aladdin when Babai/Pinni/Sreemayi when they came over for Thanksgiving dinner Was quite interesting, actually, to actually sit at the table together for Thanksgiving Got the chance to think about things I can’t think about when I’m playing ketchup Top of PClassic ranking table: Team Name Username Score Penalty School 1 Calcoholics radiantcheddar 8 9 Brandywine High School, The Charter School of Wilmington 2 Floofers zaxwellmen 7 7 Stuyvesant High School 3 sag tree lazy prop a gaters lazy_sag_tree 6 2 Henry M. Gunn High School 4 /[spin]*s/ spinstars 6 7 West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North

November 26, 2021 · 3 min · Shreya Mogulothu