Pitch Detection

so you want to pitch detect. I’m really happy you’re into the arts and trust tech enough to look for a software solution, but unless you want to just detect the pitch of a melody (one note at any moment) this is pretty hard to do in the general case. Background: my brother was complaining about the amount of time it took to write sheet music in notating software for his compositions, and my initial reaction was “that’s part of the deal”, the idea being that if you’re making a composition, you should at least spend the amount of time with it that you’d take to notate it, to give it the kind of care and thought that will make it sound deliberate....

December 5, 2023 · 5 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Structuring Thoughts

I just realized that Hugo changes post urls to post titles by itself. Good job Hugo. what thoughts have i had in the past? This is a pretty hard problem. Probably LLMs make it better/easier, but I want to do it a couple of times myself before I hand over this very important task to an AI, so I know how exactly I want it to be done. Or what it is that I want in the first place....

July 31, 2023 · 3 min · Shreya Mogulothu


see if you can catch the barbie outside text so uh in retrospect this was in fact supposed to be a formal writing, but in the end it became much more informal and exposed less well-formed thoughts. I think though that it’s been long enough since my last post that I should put something out there, so here it is. ramble Oppenheimer. So I always get stuck when it comes to the beginning of writing formally....

July 24, 2023 · 8 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Outwards Facing Writing

here we are Again we observe about a year of break. But I’m pleasantly surprised to learn that is a shorter break than the last. Actually I lie, it is a longer break than the last. But… okay yeah no it’s almost double the last break. But we’re here again, because coffee-and-sleep has not migrated yet, and the whole point of what I’m trying to do now is that I own what I write, so it won’t be on the anonymized wordpress blog either....

July 20, 2023 · 2 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Update 7/7/22

hides behind wall I haven’t posted on here since last year. I believe I’m now sort of at a breather again. ? productive things I got into colleges, I’ve chosen a college, now I’m preparing for college. I graduated !!! I have my diploma and everything. Shocking Applied to summer programs and have been rejected; want to teach at PACT one last time. I should actually email Dr. Gandhi about that again....

July 7, 2022 · 2 min · Shreya Mogulothu