Things to do when getting a new computer

Houskeeping list for myself. Download chrome, vscode, tinytex Make sure to not set chrome as default Change dock Change terminal appearance (i.e. paste the following in .zshrc) function parse_git_branch() { git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/[\1]/p' } setopt PROMPT_SUBST export PROMPT='%F{228}%n%f %F{197}%~%f %F{39}$(parse_git_branch)%f %F{normal}$%f ' Store previous files in hard drive Install python3 Install home-brew Install jdk Configure vscode (extensions, code command) Pin tabs, etc Get relevant folders back from hard drive: downloads, latex, program files (personal site) Get that thing (oh, Hugo https://gohugo....

December 14, 2021 · 1 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Update 12/14

here we go again Let’s get to it. I’m doing this mostly because I really should, it’s been a couple of weeks. I’m not at a breather yet, although maybe a little. Productive things Got advice on classes to take in Princeton for spring semester Applied to UCs, and apparently USC Got PACT T-Shirt and SANS hoodie!! Got to think about things Managed to submit all of my last psets :)) Did my two algebra lectures for AIME prep Srushti came to CS Club for a guest lecture!...

December 14, 2021 · 2 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Update 11/26

hi… Been a while. Let’s just write stuff down now, shall we? Productive things Actually won the philosophy award! Applied to NC Chapel Hill, MIT, Rutgers, Georgia Tech, UIUC, and Ohio State Lots of essays… and self-reported coursework… and recommendation requests… Applied for Ohio State Eminence scholarship Did a sh*t ton of problem sets Met up with Prof. Assadi again Committed to AIME Prep Randomly signed up for the USACO training thing that Amy showed me Finally ordered t-shirts!...

November 26, 2021 · 3 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Update 10/2

hello there Very much has been happening very quickly, and I’m sure I’m going to forget something I did in these past two months that past-me would be angry I left out. Productive things Chose Princeton courses And yes, they started Managed to take COS487 :) Actually made some friends there? And yes, actually submitted all hw on time (so far, hopefully forever) Met with Prof....

September 22, 2021 · 2 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Update 8/9

hi Hi. Productive things Uploaded proof of vaccine to netID Wrote 6 essays Not all of them are good, but brainstorming is happening! Finished sketching result and Zelke lower bound Started on summer homework Finished Never Let Me Go Started the first chapter for APUSH Started SANS again Started yoga in the mornings Did Art of Debating again Started writing in journal extensively Maybe not so productive things Chaitanya Uncle arrived Now more people play basketball in the evenings?...

August 9, 2021 · 1 min · Shreya Mogulothu