Update 7/30

Hi again Only a month until school… Productive things Did the rest of the lecture Over two days Talent show! Recorded Pachtaoge with Disha Was a massive procrastination fest But very fun! 100% worth it Figured out notes for the first time in a while Went to most PACT lectures for Group II Went to everything after first lecture except for last Friday evening(Vihan) Freewrote a bit Nothing very important, but it helped to just write Maybe not so productive things Went to four different places five different times over three days and spent at least 2 hours at each place Puja (very long!...

July 30, 2021 · 2 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Update 7/19

I’m a bit late this time Oh, well. Productive things Did a lecture on Tuesday :D Only got through half the material ;-; But it was very fun Started on college essay brainstorming! Began by taking walks (Disha’s advice) Got my first 100% in Paradox and Infinity Accepted into MPFG :D Hotels were booked super fast NC Scholarship sent an email out about prizes Finally got back to Laura and Dave They didn’t reply back yet Filled out Option II form For a CS course, better luck Maybe not so productive things I can’t believe that I didn’t mention the TSA application last time....

July 19, 2021 · 1 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Update 7/8

I’m back again Good! Productive things Finished reading AD21 and revising writeup, starting on first research question Started attending Foundations Academy, which is actually pretty hype Date is set for PACT lecture College list is pretty much finalized Have been pretty consistent with Paradox and Infinity Not so much with the other course Finished sending recommenders the forms Maybe not so productive things Spent basically the entire weekend with Varun Mamayya and Siri Atta Watched movies Played cards Played video games (Trials Frontier, Shark-eating game, Celeste (!...

July 8, 2021 · 1 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Update 6/27

I’m getting the hang of this Let’s hope I don’t jinx it. Productive things Met with advisor, finished a writeup on results from RSW18 Still need to complete reading AD21 Went to Strogatz award ceremony Tried sticking to schedule but failed because it takes way too long to read papers Wrote emails to recommenders Started Paradox and Infinity Started some other philosophy course Maybe not so productive things Went to Babai/Pinni’s Went to Jhopri’s with Amy after the ceremony Then went to the park with Anni Then ate boba ice cream, which was SO GOOD Watched a whole ton of Big Shot Watched Ant Man and the Wasp

June 27, 2021 · 1 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Update 6/20

A streak of 2 The first time I updated, it was 6/2, and now it’s 6/20… APs are over, HSCTF is over, Phi Day is over. Junior year is over. Summer has started. Things are boutta change. Productive things: Finish New Horizons Can’t wait to review the material B) Finish all APs They went okay, I guess HSCTF grading, message-board, nrc, zkp Did some infra, but there’s a whole lot I’ve gotta know for next time CS Club VP 2021!...

June 20, 2021 · 1 min · Shreya Mogulothu