Update 6/2

Yeah, it’s my first update. Things I’ve done in the past week-ish: Productive things: Start the end of physics C prep. Start attending New Horizons. (It’s more than halfway over ;-;.) As a result, get pulled into way too many cool CS topics. This time, there is an actual doc with links. Start the Sans Foundations course. Clean. up. my. room. Maybe not so productive things: Actually meet people this weekend!...

June 2, 2021 · 1 min · Shreya Mogulothu

Hello World!

Hi :) My name is Shreya. This is probably going to be my personal site. We’ll see. Goals Make a portfolio-over-the-years. Update regularly with what I’ve been working on. Attribution This site is made using Hugo and its PaperMod theme! Legend goes that I looked at 3b1b’s Manim documentation and loved its design. Obviously I have to start clicking on things to find more about this piece of code, so I came across Pradyun’s website, and loved this design too....

May 26, 2021 · 3 min · Shreya Mogulothu