hello there

Very much has been happening very quickly, and I’m sure I’m going to forget something I did in these past two months that past-me would be angry I left out.

Productive things

  • Chose Princeton courses
    • And yes, they started
    • Managed to take COS487 :)
      • Actually made some friends there?
    • And yes, actually submitted all hw on time (so far, hopefully forever)
  • Met with Prof. Assadi
    • Still have to finish that writeup
    • And email again
  • Finished all summer hw (well, almost, not the secondary book for Lit yet)
    • Did the APUSH summer hw qusetions in one night ;-;
  • Finished SANS
    • Access until October 31
    • Signed up for Cyber Futures
  • Still use journal but not as extensively
  • Submitted Paradox and Infinity submission(s!)
  • Submitted National Merit Scholarship semifinalist documents or whatever
    • Involves actually writing an essay
  • Got permit!
  • Did Science Olympiad tryouts
  • Filled out general Common App questions and specific college questions, but not any essays
  • CS Club started
    • Has over 90 members now? So far?
  • Oh, did a college essay bootcamp in August, was interesting
  • Started Numbers Don’t Lie around that time
  • Oh and was pronouncer for Nationals
  • Did some random interesting things

Maybe not so productive things

  • Chaitanya Uncle left, and I got to meet his daughter who is very adorable
  • Went to a college visit trip which was very massive and awesome
  • Shortly after stood in DMV line for around 3 hours (2 of which were outdoors in the sun and heat) to get permit
  • Am driving around to school and Princeton which is very cool
  • Sometimes eat lunch with other Princeton kids (only twice now, both on Fridays)
  • Somehow got convinced to do scioly
    • Probably won’t get to be on actual team but whatever
  • Am entirely very surprised with how much I got done these past two weeks
  • Chose to do CJLH for Halloween
  • Still no bike repair
  • We played basketball yesterday because it was a bit warmer, but someone was draining their swimming pool so there was a river under the hoop, and the ball kept splashing in there, it was very funny
  • And yes, got to meet everyone again, and I love it
  • Anni usually drives me to school
  • Unfortunately I don’t do yoga in the mornings anymore
    • I hope this will change, but…