
Been a while. Let’s just write stuff down now, shall we?

Productive things

  • Actually won the philosophy award!
  • Applied to NC Chapel Hill, MIT, Rutgers, Georgia Tech, UIUC, and Ohio State
    • Lots of essays… and self-reported coursework… and recommendation requests…
  • Applied for Ohio State Eminence scholarship
  • Did a sh*t ton of problem sets
  • Met up with Prof. Assadi again
  • Committed to AIME Prep
  • Randomly signed up for the USACO training thing that Amy showed me
  • Finally ordered t-shirts!
  • Got 4th place in PClassic !!!
    • Tied in # of correct submissions with the 3rd place team, but had more penalties than them (see the table at the bottom)
  • Tried to get the Halloween Math Meet going, but COVID restrictions made us decide to cancel
  • Oh, there was this Start Strong Testing thing in the beginning of October
  • I submitted, like, one problem to the Cyber Futures contest, and I don’t think it was accepted because it was probably past the deadline on the 15th
  • Met with Ethan for exactly one Green Generation practice test
  • AMC 12A and 12B
  • Visited COS226 (Allen/Jason visited COS487 in turn)
  • Ended MP1

Maybe not so productive things

  • Went to a couple of houses for trick-or-treating
  • Tried to visit Sreemayi’s class for her birthday, but COVID restrictions
  • Went out to eat a fair amount of times; most recent was at the Vietnamese place with most of the scioly captains
    • Was slightly awkward, but the food was good, I think
    • Went out to walk at the trail afterwards
  • Visited Krause a lot of times, and I TA for Z
  • Watched all seven Harry Potter movies (again)
    • Shourya seemed to enjoy them
    • Sreemayi is reading the Sorcerer’s Stone!
    • Pinni gave us HP bookmarks; I have a bunch of Voldemort bookmarks now
    • I also read the entirety of the Half Blood Prince because Shourya got it from the library (without reading the first five books??)
    • About reading; I reread the first two Divergent books, which was interesting
  • Yesterday we also watched Aladdin when Babai/Pinni/Sreemayi when they came over for Thanksgiving dinner
    • Was quite interesting, actually, to actually sit at the table together for Thanksgiving
  • Got the chance to think about things I can’t think about when I’m playing ketchup

Top of PClassic ranking table:

1Calcoholicsradiantcheddar89Brandywine High School, The Charter School of Wilmington
2Flooferszaxwellmen77Stuyvesant High School
3sag tree lazy prop a gaterslazy_sag_tree62Henry M. Gunn High School
4/[spin]*s/spinstars67West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North