I’m a bit late this time

Oh, well.

Productive things

  • Did a lecture on Tuesday :D
    • Only got through half the material ;-;
    • But it was very fun
  • Started on college essay brainstorming!
    • Began by taking walks (Disha’s advice)
  • Got my first 100% in Paradox and Infinity
  • Accepted into MPFG :D
    • Hotels were booked super fast
  • NC Scholarship sent an email out about prizes
  • Finally got back to Laura and Dave
    • They didn’t reply back yet
  • Filled out Option II form
    • For a CS course, better luck

Maybe not so productive things

I can’t believe that I didn’t mention the TSA application last time.

(I applied for Mascot.)

  • Scraped my knee yesterday and now it looks like masala
    • (ft. turmeric)
    • It’s a bit annoying to move around in general because it stings
  • Saturday night at Varun Babai and Shilpa Pinni’s house
    • Go Fish and Judgement
    • Paav Bhajis!
    • Also Alu Paratha and the other one (can’t remember the name but it’s greener)
  • Consistently playing basketball outside!
    • But that’s how I fell ^^;
  • Planned and canceled a whole college visit trip
    • But we’ll do it later