

Productive things

  • Uploaded proof of vaccine to netID
  • Wrote 6 essays
    • Not all of them are good, but brainstorming is happening!
  • Finished sketching result and Zelke lower bound
  • Started on summer homework
    • Finished Never Let Me Go
    • Started the first chapter for APUSH
  • Started SANS again
  • Started yoga in the mornings
  • Did Art of Debating again
  • Started writing in journal extensively

Maybe not so productive things

  • Chaitanya Uncle arrived
    • Now more people play basketball in the evenings?
    • Babai came yesterday too
  • Found out the front wheel of my bike is flat (again)
  • Am sleeping a bit earlier
    • Hopefully this lasts!
  • Sabrina finally DMed me about the TSA email